poster        invitation        media release

stories and interviews from Parliament House sleepout

Us Mob Jinang                    Lee Point Bust

Darwin Longgrass Association

PO Box 42991, Casuarina, NT, 0811



To: You Mob


The Darwin Longgrass Association invites you share a cup of tea and have a chat with representatives from longgrass camps in Darwin from 3pm on Sunday October 7, or from 8am on Monday October 8.

Longgass people have decided to set up a camp at Parliament house in order tell their stories to politicians, City Councillors and the wider Darwin public.

Bush camps have always been a feature of Darwin. Longgrass people are here to stay and many Aboriginal people choose the longgrass lifestyle. Hundreds of people sleep in the longgrass every night in Darwin and the only drain they place on NT resources is through the actions of police, council workers, night patrol and conservation rangers.

The harassment of longgrass people is now the worst it has ever been. It continues to degrade the health and well-being of the people most in need in our community.

Longgrass people demand an end to the harassment and an end to City Council fines. They are asking for tolerance and respect for Aboriginal culture and identity in Darwin.

Solutions to these issues are not easy. This invitation is an opportunity for you to talk with longrass people directly and hear their stories.

We hope you are able to visit the camp.


Yours sincerely


Stella Simmering

For the Darwin Longgrass Association

October 3, 2001.